Weather and Conditions
Harpers Ferry 7-day Forecast from the National Weather Service
Harpers Ferry 2-day Forecast
from Weather Underground:

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River Levels
NWS Middle Atlantic River Forecast Center
Individual Gauges:
- Potomac River at Paw Paw, WV - NWS | USGS
- Potomac River at Hancock, MD - NWS | USGS
- Potomac River at Shepherdstown, WV - NWS | USGS
- Shenandoah River at Millville, WV - NWS | USGS
- Potomac River at Harpers Ferry, WV - NWS
- Potomac River at Point of Rocks, MD - NWS | USGS
- Potomac River at Edwards Ferry, MD - NWS | USGS
- Potomac River at Little Falls, MD - NWS | USGS
- Potomac River at Wisconsin Avenue, Washington, DC (Tidal) - NWS | USGS